Electrician Fair 2023 | Charleston’s Top Electricians.

2023 Electricians Competition And Career Fair

Every year, the Charleston Electrical Contractors Association, hosts their annual Electrician Competition and Career Fair. It’s an opportunity for local Charleston Electrician Apprentices from CECA, Trident Technical College, and high school students to compete for prizes.

This year Transworld Electric Apprentices Jonathan Childers, Walter Brown, and Joseph Kratzer all participated in the 14th Annual Electrician Competition and Career Fair this year and we are proud of their hard work and dedication to becoming some of the top electricians in the Charleston area. Jonathan won second place and Walter won first place, CONGRATULATIONS!

Charleston Electrical Contractors Association (CECA) is a non profit group of local electrical contractors that gather together with a common goal, to better the Electrical Industry. Thank you CECA for another success Electrician Competition and Career Fair.

Learn more about this amazing organization HERE.

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