June is National Safety Month.

The focus for week 1: Prevent accidents before they start.  Identifying risks and taking proactive safety measures to reduce hazard exposure.

Driving is one of the riskiest activities your workers do each day, and we are seeing increasing fatality rates across the county. Each year, over 3 million Americans are non-fatally injured in automobile accidents.

It is important to keep your workers safe behind the wheel – on and off the job. Transworld Electric believes that creating a safe driving culture is essential and we’re committed to making driving safely a priority. We require all employees to take a defensive driving course that educates employees on traffic rules and regulations. This course also educates on the importance of being alert and aware while behind the wheel and makes sure that coworkers hold each other accountable for safe driving.

Another core trait that is acquired and strengthened through a Defensive Driving Course is a sense of personal responsibility. Drivers learn that you are the sole person responsible for your safety. The benefits of this mindset will extend beyond the time you spend on the road, as identifying potential hazards before it’s too late will become second nature to you.

Driving Course is only one of the many safety training that we require of our electricians to complete. You can trust that Transworld Electric’s electricians are safe and prepared for every part of their job.

Transworld Electric is a Charleston, SC based electrical Contractor offering residential, commercial, and industrial electrical services throughout South Carolina. We also offer electrical testing in SC, NC & GA.


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