Transworld had a great time attending the business BBQ luncheon that was hosted by Dorchester Career and Technology Center for all the Advisory Board Members. As an electrical contractor, we admire the opportunities that the instructors and administrative staff at Dorchester Career and Technology Center provide to their students. Dorchester Career and Technology Center are truly focused on their vision statement which is to ‘be a leader in career and technology education providing a highly skilled and employable workforce capable of continued education at the highest level.’ There are many students that have graduated from Dorchester Career and Technology Center and have been a perfect example of this vision statement. Today Transworld’s President/Owner, Jim Ritter had the opportunity to introduce Chris Burnette, Transworld Master Electrician, who shared his experience in the electrical industry which all began in the electricity program at Dorchester Career and Technology Center.
Chris Burnette graduated from Dorchester Career and Technology Center in May 2011. After graduation, he applied for the apprenticeship program at Transworld, Inc. Electrical Contractors. In four short years, Chris has exceeded everyone’s expectation by excelling in the apprenticeship program and passing his Journeyman and Master Electrician Exams shortly after graduation. Chris is now working in our electrical testing department and is anticipating the continued growth and professional development that the electrical industry has to offer him.
We are proud to have Chris as part of our Transworld team. His passion for the electrical industry and determination, is an inspiration to students that are in the same electricity class he was in just a few years ago. We appreciate everything Dorchester Career and Technology Center does to help promote interest for the electrical industry and for educating students on the skills necessary to excel in the workforce. Electricians are considered the only professionals in the electrical industry and we look forward to helping more students create professional development in the electrical industry.
Chris, Transworld Master Electrician, and Brian Oneill, Electricity Instructor at Dorchester Career and Technology Center, speaking to the electricity class about the path to becoming an electrician.
Chris, Transworld Master Electrician, answering the students questions and sharing his personal journey to becoming a Master Electrician.
Transworld President/Owner, Jim Ritter, introducing Chris, Master Electrician, at the BBQ luncheon to speak about his personal experience in the electrical industry.
Dorchester Career and Technology Center Thank for all the great raffles! We love our new hats and cell phone holder!