Below you will find the verbiage for the 5.20 of NFPA 303 for Marinas and Boatyards. Regular inspection and maintenance of electrical systems are critical to ensuring safety and functionality, especially in environments like marinas, boatyards, and similar establishments. The following summary highlights the key points of Electrical Code Section 5.20, focusing on the maintenance requirements for electrical wiring and equipment.
5.20 Maintenance of Electrical Wiring and Equipment.
5.20.1 An inspection of all electrical wiring, ground connec
tions, conduit, hangers, supports, connections, outlets, applian
ces, devices, and portable cables installed or used in a marina,
boatyard, boat basin, or similar establishment shall be made at
regular intervals to ensure a complete inspection at least annu
5.20.2 The inspection required in 5.20.1 shall include a test of
ground integrity and polarity as well as testing of all ground
fault protection devices.
5.20.3 All corroded, worn, broken, or improper materials shall
be replaced or repaired before further use.
5.20.4 The use of tape to repair broken or cracked insulation
of jackets on flexible cables or cords shall be prohibited.
5.20.5 Splicing of flexible cord or cable shall be prohibited.
5.20.6 An inspection to identify any of the following conditions
shall be conducted at least annually, and corrective action shall
be taken for any deficiencies:
(1) Areas being used for purposes not originally contempla
ted and that introduce hazards greater than those for
which the electrical system was designed
(2) Locked or otherwise restricted areas or equipment being
left open
(3) The use of grounding-type portable electrical equipment
that is not properly and adequately grounded
(4) Shore power cable sets used by vessels for connection to
shore power outlets as follows:
(a) Shore power cable sets that lie across the surface of
pier walkways shall be protected from mechanical
abuse and positioned to reduce tripping hazard.
(b) Shore power cable sets shall be secured so as not to
trail into the water.
(c) Shore power cable sets shall be fitted with molded-
on plugs with sealing flanges or weatherproof boots
over the plugs of a type and size compatible with the
(5) Temporary wiring that is not in compliance with Article
590 of NFPA 70
(6) Damaged or inoperative ground fault protection devices,
switches, lighting fixtures, and receptacle outlets
(7) Overloading of electrical circuits
(8) The introduction of unsuitable appliances into a hazard
ous area
(9) 120 volt neutral currents flowing through grounding