Medium Voltage Electrical Testing

Transworld Electric offers medium voltage testing. We are continuously attentive to detail and plan in accordance with current codes and standards to ensure accurate and safe testing.

Recommended scope per NETA & NFPA 70B to reduce costs and injuries, and to maximize production. It is imperative that owners maintain low voltage gear and chart the condition of the equipment with preventive & predictive maintenance.


” Perform visual inspection of each breaker and cubical.
” Perform insulation resistance testing on each pole to ground, and from line to load on each pole.
” Perform contact resistance testing from line to load of each pole.
” Perform a high potential test on the vacuum bottles of each pole
” Test each function of the digital relay
” Insulation resistance test on a pole to pole, and pole to the ground
” Contact resistance test on each poles contacts, and connections
” Secondary test to verify long time, short time, and ground fault functions
” Inspect mechanical operations and interlocks
” Lubricate moving mechanical-breaker components
” Clean breaker, cubical, and SWGR section
” Exercise breaker minimum of six times


” Insulation resistance test on each pole to the ground
” Contact resistance test on each poles contacts, and connections
” Inspect mechanical operations and interlocks
” Lubricate moving mechanical switch components
” Exercise switch minimum of six times


” Inspect bushings, fans, controls, and alarm indicators
” Insulation resistance/absorption test on each phase
” Transformer turns ratio test on each coil primary to secondary
” Clean transformer and enclosure
” Ultrasonic or radiofrequency inspection for destructive corona


” Performed while on-line under load
” Partial discharge radio frequency recording & analysis
” Uncover system-wide internal and surface faults, severity, & location


” Documented Condition of equipment
” Visual, mechanical, & electrical inspection findings
” Clearly identified deficiencies including root cause as applicable
” Clearly defined correct actions required including the level of urgency
” All test results, whether deficient or not, to be documented permanently for future reference

Transworld Electric has over 30 years of electrical experience and our licensed electricians are continuously attentive to detail and plan in accordance with current codes and standards to ensure accurate and safe testing.

Electrical testing and inspections aren’t necessarily “one-and-done” procedures. To ensure the ongoing safety and functioning of the electrical systems it’s important to have inspection and testing performed on a fairly regular basis.

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