Why Facility Managers Should Invest in Ultrasonic Testing: The Evolution and Importance in Electrical Systems
Introduction Ultrasonic Testing (UT) has transformed the landscape of electrical system maintenance by offering a highly accurate, non-invasive method to detect hidden faults. As electrical infrastructures grow in complexity, proactive testing has become crucial in preventing costly breakdowns. For facility managers, partnering with an experienced provider like Transworld Electric can be a game-changer in ensuring […]
How to Avoid Peak Pricing this Winter with Dominion Energy
Did you know our Lowcounty power company, Dominion Energy, has a tiered pricing structure for residential customers? As a residential power customer with Dominion Energy, understanding and managing your electricity usage based on peak pricing can lead to significant savings. Under Rate 5, published September 2024, the cost of electricity varies throughout the day: Peak […]
NEMA Guidelines for Handling Water-Damaged Electrical Equiptment
Link to NEMA Guidelines for Handling Water-Damaged Electric Equipment PDF As many of you are dealing with the aftermath of recent storms, safety should be your top priority when it comes to restoring electrical systems in your facilities. At Transworld Electric, we want to provide you with crucial information to help you navigate power restoration […]
The Investment of Ground System Testing for Your Commercial Facility
Ground system testing is a critical aspect of maintaining safety and efficiency in any commercial facility. While the upfront cost might seem substantial, this investment is crucial for long-term savings and security. Expected Costs The cost of ground system testing varies based on factors such as the size of your facility, the complexity of […]
A Simple Guide to Primary Injection Testing: Ensuring Electrical Safety
Primary injection testing is a critical method used in maintaining and ensuring the safety of electrical systems, particularly those that operate under high voltage. This process is vital for checking that circuit breakers, relays, work properly by mimicking real fault conditions. Lets break down what primary injection testing is, why its important, and how its […]
Protecting Critical Operations: The High Cost of Electrical Downtime in Healthcare and Manufacturing
Healthcare and manufacturing facilities are the backbone of our economy, and their operations depend on the uninterrupted flow of electricity. When electrical systems fail, the consequences can be catastrophic, leading to patient safety risks, production halts, and significant financial losses. Transworld Electric understands the unique challenges faced by healthcare and manufacturing facilities. Our expertise lies […]
5.20 of NFPA 303 for Marinas and Boatyards
Below you will find the verbiage for the 5.20 of NFPA 303 for Marinas and Boatyards. Regular inspection and maintenance of electrical systems are critical to ensuring safety and functionality, especially in environments like marinas, boatyards, and similar establishments. The following summary highlights the key points of Electrical Code Section 5.20, focusing on the maintenance […]
Ensuring Marina Electrical Safety: A Vital Role for Maintenance Specialists
Ensuring Marina Electrical Safety: A Vital Role for Maintenance Specialists When it comes to marina electrical maintenance, the importance of specialized expertise cannot be overstated. The tragic incident involving a young mans death due to presumed electrocution at Lake Lanier serves as a stark reminder of the potential hazards associated with electrical systems in aquatic […]
Tools of the Trade: FLIR Testing
FLIR (Forward-Looking Infrared) testing, also known as thermal imaging or infrared thermography, is a non-invasive diagnostic technique widely used in various industries, particularly in electrical systems. This advanced technology uses infrared cameras to detect heat patterns and temperature variations on the surface of electrical equipment, providing critical insights into the health and functionality of these […]
Protecting Your Commercial Manufacturing Business During Hurricane Season in South Carolina
Hurricane season in South Carolina can be particularly challenging for commercial manufacturing businesses. The powerful storms bring with them the potential for severe damage, disruptions in operations, and significant financial losses. As hurricane season approaches, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to protect your business, ensure the safety of your employees, and maintain operational continuity. […]